Archangel Sandalphon and the Light of Well-being

Chakra 1

At the heart of all desires is the powerful calling for Well-being.


Is there an area of your life that lacks Well-being? Perhaps it has to do with finances or health. These are the issues of a weak Base Chakra, which lies at the base of your spine.

Each of the individual energy centers, called Chakras in the yogic traditions, has a purpose for your life. When they are not being met, you experience a lack of Well-being.

Well-being is a reality that provides for all your needs to be met with Grace and Ease. This is the foundation for a happy life. If you are feeling left out of the flow of Divine Energy, there is an opening that allows you to bring back a sense of alignment within.

A balanced chakra system allows for you to find and experience the benefits of a beautiful physical life, emotional and mental equanimity, and deep spiritual connection with the generous resources available to you. When you have a clear sense of a secure base of operation in the foundation of your life, there is a powerful presence of Well-being within you. This attracts more of what you need into your life, such as greater abundance and health with clear guidance on your path. You feel more supported and connected. Your life demonstrates an abundant flow of the living light of Well-being.

Archangel Sandalphon

Represented in the base chakra is Archangel Sandalphon, one of the most accessible of the Archangels. Sandalphon is said to be the Soul of the Earth, providing nourishment to those who feel empty. He is so expansive that he can hold the Earth in the palm of his hand. Yet he has the capacity to provide you with an individual sense of being loved and supported, cared for deeply.

You can relax into the Wings of Love Archangel Sandalphon provides. It is a deeply satisfying sense of allowing yourself to be supported in the river of life. When you do this, you are bringing a higher frequency of Love, Compassion and a caring vibration into your foundation for life, by empowering your base chakra.

This empowerment greatly strengthens your sense of Well-being. When high frequencies of Light stimulate each of your chakras, all that does not resonate is lifted into the Light for healing.

Each chakra has its own power and place in the structure of your life. When attention is placed on the qualities of consciousness most needed to support a sense of Well-being in your life, your spiritual resources are engaged. Suddenly creative solutions abound, you feel more support and beneficial opportunities flow to you.

When you allow yourself to receive assistance from the Archangels, the areas of physical, mental and emotional well-being become enhanced in your chakra system. The resulting sense of Freedom will illuminate your life, and you know at a deep empowering level that all is truly well.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

February 13, 2020


The Archangel Transmissions – Empower Your Energy Centers with Light is a 7-week experiential program, beginning February 26.

Wonderful features include:

    • Transmissions of Light energy fields that by-pass your mental state, allowing you to receive from a deeper soul level and bless your life.
    • Tools to keep your chakras aligned and balanced, creating a life that is happier, more productive and graceful.
    • Connection to the Archangels directly involved with the ascension of the Earth and the mass awakening of all humanity.
    • Creation of a deep personal connection with each of the Archangels represented in your chakra system. You will be able to invoke their assistance in daily life, creating a more magical, more empowering and inspiring way of living.
    • Help from the Archangels to express your Soul’s gifts in the world.

And that’s not all…

Through chakra work, you will know where you are out of balance — and have the tools to bring back alignment. This helps your daily life to be more practical, purposeful and exalted.

The class series will guide you to hold higher frequencies in your body. When we are able to do this, we have greater attunement to the energies of Nature and of the Divine Presence. You learn to embody your Divinity, so you can be a fully ascended human while in your human form.

Our program will help you be more in tune with your Soul Purpose, so you can express your creativity more easily. You will also learn how it feels to be in alignment with your Soul, so you can experience the changing nature of life with more equanimity, without getting triggered.


You will learn to meditate more deeply and be more sensitive to energy frequencies that can be grounded for manifestation of your dreams.

You will learn practical tools and exercises to empower your ascension.

You will receive two recordings every week: the recording of the class and a beautiful channeled activation from the Archangel of the chakra we are studying.

Class materials are available for you to download and keep for a lifetime.

Will you join us? Register here.

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