Compassionate Wisdom Circle

We Invite You to Join Us!

An Online Group Dedicated to the Evolution of Consciousness on Earth


Do you feel called to join with other like-minded Souls dedicated to the Evolution of Consciousness on Earth?

Have you been wanting a place to share your vision for a world of Peace and Harmony? A place where your prayers and good intentions can be expanded by group energy and radiated into life on the awakening Earth for the highest good of all beings?

Me too! I have long wanted to bring together a group of dedicated, like-hearted people who desire to share our prayers, empowered intentions and offer Divine Light to the world and all humanity.

Our circle of Light also provides us a community where we can share our awakening process and recognize we are not alone in the often tumultuous process our souls came to experience on Earth during this changing time.

I am honored to invite you to join my Compassionate Wisdom CircleĀ ā€” an empowering monthly program promoting Divine Light, Inner Peace and Global Blessings

Butterflies emergence

"This is so big and so exciting. Such a true honor to be here at this time, our group holding such important pieces, and to have you as a Guide.

So much Love & Gratitude to you, Shanta!"

Holding the Vision for All

Many studies support the efficacy of group prayer and meditation. In fact, these studies prove that when people within a group share a common experience of consciousness, the effects can be detected far beyond the group itself.

The Compassionate Wisdom Circle enables us to create synergy within the group to hold a greater vision for true Freedom, Peace and Harmony within all beings and for the Earth.

Our group of like-minded people, even when joining through conference call or online, allows us to share our focused, prayerful intentions together so we can inspire higher qualities of consciousness for our own lives, for all humanity and for the Earth.

Our ongoing, monthly program provides a vehicle to transmute discord and inspire higher qualities of consciousness. When we bless something, it means to "confer energy upon" the object of our blessings. We will have twice monthly teleconferences to do just that.

"Just wanting to check in and say how profoundly grateful I am to you, this process, and to be a part of this group. Thank you so much for your dedication and perseverance with Humanity and our Mama Earth. You are such a Beautiful Divine Light."


"I just listened to the recording from the new moon eclipse. Very good information for the upcoming energies and how to best use them for our highest good. Thank very much for all that you do. It feels right and great to belong to your group. I know my soul led me to you."


"I was able to listen to the full moon session two times through!
So helpful, so right on. Kelly and you nailed it! Thank you so much."


"I love love love the messages, reflections, and prayers you shared today! I needed them šŸ™‚

Your Monthly Benefits

"Energy of the Month" Theme

Each month for the New Moon, you will receive a potent, timely theme that embodies the focus for our group intention for the month and provides a supportive platform for you to base your life.

Commentary, Prayer & Intention

On the New Moon each month, I send you an in-depth commentary with practical guidance about the energy of the month. There is also a theme, a deeply inspired prayer and an affirmative intention that we all will be using together throughout the month.

These offerings are interesting, fun and very helpful to prepare yourself for the month ahead. They create a focal point of consciousness for the group, as well as you personally. Together, the use of this empowered focus enfolds all of the group members in a dedicated matrix field of Divine Light which supports us all in everything we are doing together.

Full Moon Teleconference

Each month around the Full Moon, our Circle gathers together in a live teleconference.

I am joined by Shamanic Astrologer Kelly Beard, who gifts us with insight and awareness about the planetary focus for the month and how best to use the energies and support being offered by astrology.

There is an opening during the call for us each to offer prayers, create intentions and transmit blessings into the world for positive change.

To complete the call, I lead a guided meditation in which the Archangels transmit powerful high frequencies that integrate Kelly's teachings, and anchor our intentions. This meditation guides you through the process of empowering and providing the activations necessary for Alignment with the qualities of consciousness in the monthly focus. These transmissions allow more connection to Source energy, your Higher Self, our Circle and the Archangels over-lighting our group.

You also will receive a recording of the call.

Quarterly Global Spiritual Practice

On the Equinox and the Solstice every quarter, we join together in a 7-day dedicated sacred practice to honor Balance and Light in the world.Ā 


Global Blessing Video Circle

We will also gather for a video conference once each month so we have a chance to share our heart connections in person. There will be space for questions in this time together.

In this Circle, we will invoke the power of our intentions to send blessings out to those in need of our Light. As a united group focusing the Wisdom and Compassion, we each hold as truth in our hearts will radiate like a beacon of Light to the world.

"I wish to thank you for your work in bringing us together to awaken in love and light. Not just for ourselves, but in service to all and with divine reverence for mother earth."

"I just listened to the Full Moon recording - how VERY Beautiful & Powerful it is.... You and Kelly were spot on! I am also loving your New Moon info!"

"Really great information and light for me!"

"I listened once more last night to that beautiful opening meditation to the Immersion Into Light group. I had a fractious day yesterday and it really soothed and calmed all my spiritual nerve endings. I really needed to be reminded of my true mission at this time, and the importance of my connection to Spirit, to these wonderful Beings and to my Soul Family. This meditation did that and I slept soundly."

"THANK YOU FOR THE AMAZING FULL MOON MEDITATION ...SHANTA YOU ROCK! MANY Blessings! for ALL your are, for all you give...for just being the wonderful angel you are."

Other Program Features

And thatā€™s not all!

Also included in your Circle membership:

Enjoy members-only discounts on my...

  • classes
  • private sessions
  • programs


"Probably the most wonderful of gifts in participating is not feeling quite so alone in my walk in the world ā€” and igniting my inner confidence to be all that I am. The inner knowing Shanta is holding for each of us during our time together is immeasurable."

Our Mission

Support the Awakening on Earth

The planetary mission of the Compassionate Wisdom Circle is to create a dedicated circle of Heart-Centered People who believe that prayer and blessings make a difference. Together we can hold an empowered focus and help anchor the Evolutionary Awakening that is occurring on the Earth.

Our ongoing group energy will create a synergistic, vibrational frequency that can catapult each member into positive expansion and support for the awakening consciousness of the group and of all humanity.


I invite you to join us!

Monthly Fee

All these amazing and inspiring offerings are available to you for a low membership fee of $33 per month, automatically billed through PayPal. You will need a PayPal account to join.

What you will receive:

  • The joy of being in a like-minded group on a mission!
  • Discounts on Shanta's classes, private sessions and programs
  • Monthly live Full Moon teleconferences to bless the world
  • Monthly Global Blessing and Q&A call
  • ā€œEnergy of the Monthā€ theme
  • Inspired monthly commentary, prayer and intention
  • Monthly Full Moon guided meditation from the Archangels

Please Join Us!

Iā€™m thrilled to invite you to join our
Compassionate Wisdom Circle!


Join me and other like-minded Souls who are dedicated to the Evolution of Consciousness on Earth.

Enter into our sacred gathering where you no longer feel alone; a place where your heartfelt prayers and intentions will join with others to support spiritual awakening.

I enjoy working with a dedicated group very much. It gives us a space to energize our personal lives and bless all life upon the Earth. I welcome you!

Holding the Vision,

Shanta Gabriel

Shanta Gabriel