The World Needs Beacons of Light ~ Including You
Join our 7-week focused immersion into Light — featuring instruction from master teacher Shanta Gabriel, with inspired teachings and transmissions from the Archangels of Light. To empower your ascension process, our program offers guided meditations from each Archangel represented in the chakra system, weekly teleconferences, inspiring study materials, and spiritual community.
February 26 - April 8, 2020
The Transformative Chakra Teachings of the Archangels
I am delighted to present our course on the Spiritual Light Centers, known in yogic traditions as Chakras. This work draws from deep experience receiving inspiration and guidance from Archangels + over 40 years as a practicing yogi.
My Indian guru taught this profound truth: There is nothing as transformative for us, our society and the world as group spiritual practice.
At this pivotal time in history, we will join with like-minded seekers-finders in spiritual community. And guided by the Archangels, we will share in revealed practices to empower these inner portals with Divine Light.
When we gather with sincere spiritual intention, higher frequencies can be attained, enlightening ourselves individually + transmitting blessings of truth, peace, love, compassion, and justice to our communities, our countries and the world.
Open to the guidance of the Archangels and let your light shine!
Wisdom traditions throughout the ages have understood that our human bodies contain portals of light that can open us to experience our highest self. And we are blessed with Archangels, whose mission it is to help us open these doors.
The spiritual portals of light, known in Yoga as the chakras, literally connect us with our highest soul reality. With the help of Archangels, we may purify these centers and clear karmic bonds, freeing us to soar beyond our self-imposed limitations.
Have you noticed how foundational structures are rapidly changing? It feels as though we are losing our normal frames of reference. This is because shifting frequencies are opening new doors and closing others.
Life becomes more fluid and graceful when we learn how to work in these new energy frequencies. We are literally creating lives of wellbeing in a new Earth vibration with Divine Light!
Throughout our program, we will use Light Field Technology.™ Though it may sound complicated, it is a simple system inspired by Archangel Gabriel that teaches us to thrive in the new Light frequencies.
The Archangels will be teaching us the deeper meaning of the living frequencies of Light in each chakra. And you will learn how to use this energy to gain a greater sense of wholeness and create more flexible foundations for life.
You will receive 14 recordings during the program. In each of the seven classes, I channel a different Archangel. You will also receive seven beautiful Archangel guided meditations to give you a personal experience of the transmissions that each Archangel offers.
Study materials are provided to anchor your understanding and your ability to work with each Archangel personally.
The result? When you are attuned to these Light frequencies:
- You feel deeply supported.
- You have the spiritual connections to call high vibrational frequencies into your body to bring fulfillment and meaning to daily life.
- You will have a direct personal experience of the exalted qualities of consciousness each Archangel represents
The beauty of our elongated program is that it allows us to deeply immerse ourselves in each of the chakras, and create a personal connection to the Archangel within that energy center.
Our Program Format
What to expect...
Weekly teleconferences
Our live teleconferences will give you the opportunity to ask questions and explore the experiences you have during the program.
Personal guidance
I will be your partner and guide from February 26 to April 8, a time which includes the Equinox, an eclipse cycle and other powerful astrological events. Together, we can anchor the transcendence of the Archangel transmissions to create a structure of Well-being within us— and also be a blessing for the Earth.
Experiential transmissions
At the end of each call, a guided meditation provides an experiential transmission of the Archangel’s energy signature. As you relax and receive these transmissions, you become familiar with each of these beings of Light, creating an ever-deepening experience of a personal connection with each one. This allows you to embody your divinity in a more empowered way.
We will be walking together through the realms of angels, bringing their blessings into daily life. As we anchor their unique frequencies within us, these profound qualities of Divine Consciousness will also bless the world.
The Archangels are showering us with grace and assistance. Their sole intent is to help each of us realize our glowing potential. It is available to you, to anyone who has the desire and will to make spiritual effort to attain it.
A Deep Immersion and Experiential Alignment
This class series is an experiential alignment that bridges Heaven to Earth.
We will begin by creating a connection to the Earth Star, creating a powerful connection to the Heart of the Mother of the Earth. From there, we have the grounded presence we need to expand through the upper chakras, culminating with our deep connection to our Highest Self in the Soul Star.
We will have time to play with the sounds and colors encoded into each of the chakras, and use the frequencies in powerful, focused ways. By then connecting the teachings and transmissions of the Archangels with Hatha Yoga, we are encoding our physical energy systems with the subtle etheric flows that are within us to guide our pathways on Earth.
"Your work is exquisite and glorious. It has helped me to heal, strengthen and renew my entire beingness at this incredible and important time for our planet and for humanity. Thank you to the Archangels!"
Join Me and the Archangels
Let us work as beacons of bright light!
By joining with others in spiritual practice, we will help raise the vibration of our communities and the world, so needed now!
If you feel a call in your heart, I invite you to pay attention to the inner nudge from the Archangels.
Again, the program includes:
- Archangel meditation audios to download and keep
- Downloadable audio classes
- Written class materials
- Weekly live group teleconference, ending in a group meditation to integrate high frequencies into your energy system
- An opportunity for questions and answers during conference calls
We begin February 26. Take advantage of our early-bird price of $555 through February 17! I hope you join us!
Warmest Blessings,