Your Life in Transition: A Gathering

A 4-week series to facilitate graceful, ease-filled change in life

Creating Graceful Change


Is your life in transition?

Maybe you're feeling pulled to move homes, or you're experiencing the natural end of a relationship, career or a change in family relationships...

Whether you're going through a Saturn Return or your Ascension, many of us are going through MAJOR life transitions right now. 

Through this period of change, you get to learn to adapt to a new era on Planet Earth... an era where time and action ebb and flow in a continuous dance.

The photo above features a lighthouse in Martha's Vineyard. In one of the largest transitions of my life, I just drove from California across country to this beautiful island in late September. Just as a lighthouse assists boats to safely navigate, we are all being guided by the Light from the Divine Source to find our way in this momentous time.

It feels like almost everyone is in a major life transition right now.

You're not alone.


A Soulful Invitation

How can you stay grounded and honor your Truth, Light and Soul Calling through these times of change?

How will you find the steadiness and compassion to ease the rocking waves?

And will you seek the courage to act on your divine guidance?

To help soothe Your Life in Transition, I am offering a series of Sacred Transition Activations via Zoom. This Sacred Series is designed to support you through Life's ebb and flow.

I would love to support you in these times of global transition.

My own life is also in major transition. I recently moved from Mt. Shasta to Martha's Vineyard for the next chapter in my life.

We will meet on Zoom on these Saturdays at 11 a.m. You are welcome to join via audio or video connection. Details will be provided when you register.

  • November 7
  • November 14
  • November 21
  • November 28

Please note that the videos will be recorded. If you do not want to be recorded, please join by audio or disable the video option.

"Thank you for a lovely telling of how spirit is unfolding in your life. And how what could seem to be not good if welcomed lovingly would reveal the gift." (feedback about 7/18 gathering)

"Thank you Shanta for today's Zoom meeting. It is awesome to have support through these times with you and the group. I am very grateful for all your and Archangel Gabriel's messages." (feedback about 11/14 gathering)

What You Receive

  • Loving support in these times of global transition
  • A shining lighthouse to guide your path, via Energy Transmissions from the Archangels
  • 4 Weekly Sessions on Saturdays
  • Knowledge, energy and guidance to create a new empowered platform for Grace-filled transitions
  • Kindred soul community

You may make a minimum donation of $88 for the series.

Know that each week we will be creating a new empowered platform for Grace-filled transitions. This deeply inspired series carries transmissions of energy from the Archangels, and is valued at $333+.


When you register for this series, you will receive a 10 percent off discount code to use when you book a private Life in Transition reading with me. Learn more about this new session here

Join Us!

Life in Transition Gathering (Series)
Life in Transition Gathering (Series)
Four Saturday gatherings on Zoom at 11:00 AM Eastern Time. November 7, 14, 21 and 28
Price: $88.00
Your Price: $ 


"Thank you Shanta for the beautiful, insightful lesson today. We are in a true, new birthing, of life on this planet - and just in time!! There are no coincidences - everything happens for a reason and at the perfect time. Holding you in love and prayer as you prepare for your new adventure."

"You are such an inspiration to us all in your flexibility, consistent message and love." Lisa, NY

Accept what is and allow change to occur around you without attachment.

Archangel Gabriel