Join us for 11:11 Gateway Ceremonies!

Light Being



Join Shanta at 5:30 pm PST. Please register below.

11:11 Crystalline Ascension Gateway Teleconference
11:11 Crystalline Ascension Gateway Teleconference
An experiential teleconference gathering with Shanta Gabriel
Price: $11.00


If you come to Mt. Shasta

On November 11, you are invited to participate in a special 11:11 portal ceremony. You will be offered a true experience with the Archangels of Light as they assist you to step through the Dimensional Gateway into your new crystalline body. Dharma Cohen and Shanta Gabriel will be offering a mystical and transformational celebration that will truly Bridge Heaven and Earth, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at 1300 Everett Memorial Highway.

Dharma and Shanta are both authors, mystics, energy healers and visionary elders who have been each working with the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, Crystalline Beings of Light and the spirits of Nature for over 3 decades. Their combined talents and gifts create an exponentially magnified field of high frequency. Both Shanta and Dharma lived in Hawaii for 20 years where they met. This brings a Lemurian connection and a depth of Aloha into the gathering that is very spacious and allows for an atmosphere of Joy and Wisdom. Together they tap into the fifth dimensional frequencies and beyond and are able to give you a personal experience of these refined energy frequencies.

Dharma and Shanta have each separately celebrated a 11:11 Dimensional Gateway ceremony every year since 1991. For this special time, Dharma will be playing her crystal bowls which will raise the vibrational frequencies and create balance and stability on the physical level. Her singing bowls will also align with the crystalline energies on the planet and within each person so that as we step through the Gateway we can have a full experience of anchoring the Divine Blueprint of our Crystalline Light Body within us.

Please join us for this once in a lifetime event at the foot of the sacred mountain on 11/11/2014.

Where: 1300 Everett Memorial Highway – follow the road to Allou’s house
What to bring:
* a lunch to share so that when the ceremony concludes at noon, we can have an opportunity to ground the frequencies and share our experiences with the group.
* a crystal that you can charge with the high crystalline frequencies and use to anchor this energy in your personal spiritual practice
* donations will be accepted. No charge is made for this special ceremony. Donations are offered to support the beautiful and sacred space.

To make a reservation or for information you can contact:

Dharma Cohen:
Shanta Gabriel:

12-21-14 Teleconference Test Purchase
12-21-14 Teleconference Test Purchase
Price: $0.10