Why do you not use Zoom for your new Light Field Technology Class?
I am so glad that I was asked this question. Since I begin teaching the Secrets of Light Field Technology class series this week, this question gives me an opportunity to expand awareness about the meaning of Technology.
The definition of of technology has changed in recent years, but when the word was given to me to describe the work with Divine Light that Archangel Gabriel was teaching me, technology was defined broadly in the dictionary as the use of tools and processes to simplify daily life.
The use of the Living Substance of Divine Light as a tool and a process to simplify our daily lives has been the focus and my intention in sharing the information I have been working with for nearly 30 years. In the powerful time, we have witnessed the greatest downloads of high-frequency Light in history. It has caused a often confusing shifts in consciousness that everyone on Earth is experiencing to the degree of their understanding. This Light is also stirring deep change not only in ourselves but in the systems that have operated on the planet for centuries. This is causing great disturbance on all levels. At the same time, we have an opportunity here to expand our consciousness and use this Light to make our lives better, more harmonious, simplified and beautiful.
Because Divine Light carries the frequencies of Infinite Intelligence and the exalted attribute of Divine Love, it is fast becoming the tool we can use to gain access to more expansive dimensions and create lives that demonstrate the qualities in which most of us choose to live, such as Harmony, Abundance and Wellbeing.
Light Field Technology is in alignment with modern Quantum Physics and the Law of Attraction, but with the added component of high-frequency transmissions from the Archangels, who are invested in the evolution of mass consciousness for this dynamic time on Earth. When all humanity is becoming more awakened to the possibilities that can change our environments, education, government policies, health and wellbeing. These systems can change so that all of life can thrive.
Unquestionably, videos are more interesting intellectually, especially when there are images that need to be understood. In that way, the standard forms of technology would be much more appropriate for zoom.
The basis of my Secrets of Light Field Technology class is to provide the tools and processes that enhance and simplify your lives.
However, the energy in this class vibrates at a higher frequency than it would for typical course work.
My intention is for you each to experience viscerally the vibrations where Light is functioning as a tool for you. Because of my sensitivity level, background, age, and technical skill set, these empowered frequencies would not be possible if I were using my computer and Zoom. When I am in the frequencies of the Archangels, using technology on the computer is not easy to do for me. And more importantly, visuals can be distracting from the true place where we actually absorb and integrate higher wisdom – internally, energetically from our hearts.
Much of the class I will have my eyes closed, which would not be interesting on video. There are no visual imagery demonstrations in this class. Instead, I invite participants into a deeper, higher frequency space so they themselves will also have an experience of those empowered spaces within them. To receive the activations and transmissions which work on very expansive, multi-dimensional levels, one needs to be in a cultivated, hyper-receptive, soul-aligned space. These sacred spaces and higher dimensional levels of awareness are being empowered within the energy of the class conference call.
This class provides you a safe and deeply spiritual space where together we have the experience of connection with the living frequencies of Divine Light. The course is specifically set up in audio, using deeper heart frequencies for a specific purpose. To use Divine Light in daily life, we need to be able to have the practice of accessing more expansive realms of Infinite Intelligence, and having that true experience on a visceral level so we can come back to it again and again on our own. We want to be able to work with the Light Frequencies that allow us to feel more connected in ourselves and happier in our daily lives.
Free Q&A Call
I will be holding a free Zoom call on Monday April 22, prior to the opening of the Light Field Technology course, to answer questions and give everyone a sense of who I am and what we are gathering for.
I hope you will join us and be a part of the evolution of Divine Light for the lives of all humanity. May you be blessed with Light and Love eternally.