Re-Entry, Recalibration and Molecule Adjustment

Notes from Mt. Shasta by Shanta Gabriel

Does anyone else feel like they are readjusting their molecules after a wild adventure ride in the cosmic amusement park? After spending two amazing months in Mt. Shasta, I am in the San Francisco Bay area again gaining perspective while letting the dust settle. It feels like a game attempt on my part to integrate the life-altering spring that we all have been through.

Archangel Gabriel keeps saying the veils are parting so we will be able to see more clearly. I can hardly wait. Mostly it feels like I have just surfed a big wave, got tumbled in the shore break and now I lay panting on the beach with water still lapping around my ears.

The power of this recent time of celestial events is immeasurable. New portals were opened into dimensions of experience where Truth prevails. The expansion of consciousness which transpired through the mighty Eclipse alignments opened new realms of awareness tempered and refined by Love and heightened frequencies of Venus. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Beginning with the 5-5-5 activation on the Full Moon May 5, the beautiful Wesak moon opened a portal for enlightenment of all beings on the planet. On my first weekend in Mt. Shasta, Tibetan Buddhist monks who had been traveling the world with ancient relics were there at the local center for Wesak to offer blessings to anyone who came to receive, even dogs!

There were many global meditations and gatherings that took place on that day to take advantage of this rare frequency. Numerically 5 is the number for rejuvenation on all planes and the birthing of new life. It is the number that carries the momentum of freedom, change, and new opportunities. All of these frequencies were greatly amplified by the Super Moon and the triple 5 day of May 5, 2012.

Total Annular Solar Eclipse in Mt. Shasta, May 20

The momentum toward the full annular Solar Eclipse on May 20 began building early in the small town of Mt. Shasta. This eclipse could be seen in its entirety from Mt. Shasta. It traveled across the Pacific from Mt. Fuji in Japan and contained a very powerful field of energy. People in interesting clothing began to gather, large crowds were expected as well known teachers held weekend gatherings. The local stores ran out of eclipse glasses early in the week and people became very creative. As the town of Mt. Shasta was filled with people, the place was buzzing with even more energy than usual. Because I did not want to take part in the events with many people, I found out that the path of the sun could be seen right from the front yard where I was staying. Several close friends gathered with me next to the creek to hold a meaningful ceremony on the lush green grass.

We had decided to make it a spiritual experience and created a large altar together. The altar reflected both the masculine and the feminine presence that the eclipse energy also promoted. There was a Balinese butterfly picture that had been used on many altars over the years to reflect the idea of transformation. Each of us brought sacred objects such as crystals, sage, and special clay from the San Diego mountains. I added three of the new Essences of Divine Light (more info later) that called to me. The first essence held the quality of purification for the Waters of the World. We had a bucket of the nearby creek water as a representation of all the waters. We acknowledged that our bodies were also mostly water and were grateful for the purification that we created at the beginning of the eclipse cycle.

At the totality we used the essence called Wisdom of Trees. This represented our alignment with trees in nature, the beauty and grounding that powerful symbol of life offers. At the end of the eclipse, we each took the Essence of Divine Light that unites Heaven on Earth as the powerful dimensional energies we are all experiencing move through us. On that special day, knowing that we were joining many others in spirit, it felt as though together we created a beautiful sacred space to receive as much as we could from the experience and offer prayers for the world.

More Eclipse Details

The first portion on the eclipse released old patriarchal patterns in the grids of the earth allowing the expression of the sacred male to be seeded. I could feel the balance that entered during the eclipse totality at the exact conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Pleiades. Feeling a strong affinity for the Pleiades, there was a connecting link within me that felt as though the opportunity came for all of us to plant seeds of Right Relations in every area of our lives. In the Mayan tradition, seeds of new consciousness are planted every 5,125 years at the beginning of a new Sun cycle. We all said powerful prayers for the Earth during the completion of the eclipse.

The wise and loving energies from the Pleiades have been traditionally honored by many native peoples as higher consciousness beings who have been bringing new dimensional energies to the Earth for thousands of years. They are associated with the pyramids in Egypt, with Lemuria and many of the sacred places around the world, including Mt. Shasta.

The feeling of being in a walking meditation lasted for days, and I was grateful to be in a beautiful, peacefully sacred place where I could spend time near water and big trees at the foot of Mt. Shasta. Dog sitting has the added advantage of offering a friendly companion who enjoys outings in Nature.

Spring is exceptionally beautiful in the alpine area of Mt. Shasta. Living on 5 acres of land, there is green to be seen from every window in the house. It was so nourishing after all the city time I have been spending the past few years. In the evenings I would sit on the balcony listening to the creek and smelling the amazing smells of spring flowers such as lilacs and rhododendron. There did not seem to be anything to do but learn how to BE in each precious moment. It felt as though I was in a near bliss state most of the time.

Make way in your life for new awareness and clarity to manifest. Clear away old thoughts of the way things were or should be, and allow the spark of a new Truth to be seeded in your heart. Nourish and feed this seed with your highest ideals and soul inspired desires. Remember WHO is listening.

When you prepare the fertile soil of your fields of energy, and set the seeds of the deepest truth into your being, all the forces of the universe come to assist your process of awakening into new life – the life that is based on your soul’s awakening of Joy and Clarity of Being. ~ Archangel Gabriel

Another Eclipse and Venus Transits the Sun

Astrologers say that Eclipses bring an interruption of the communication between the electromagnetic frequencies within our bodies and that of the earth. So there is an opportunity to reboot our system as a new calibration occurs. When our frequencies shift we can release old patterns from the past and step into a new life unencumbered. There is a chance to experience a completion and a new beginning simultaneously.

We had another opportunity for that experience on June 4 with a Eclipse of the Full Moon, which almost got lost in the power of the building energy when Venus transited the face of the Sun on June 5 in Mt. Shasta where once again, clear viewing was possible. This event lasts for over 6 hours, during which time the ability of Venus to radiate Divine Love to the Earth was exponentially expanded by the frequencies of Solar Light. Divine Love is the frequency required by our cells to feed our newly expanded DNA. This allows the grounding the fifth dimensional energies within our beings and on the planet.

During the Venus Transit event I was fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful friends from the Sophia community around the world that gathered in Mt. Shasta to share the event. In 1912, Rudolph Steiner created sacred lyrical movements that create a connection between the Earth and the Starry Realms called Eurythmy (Greek for “good movement”). This beginning has advanced into an art form through this group so it creates a sense of heightened consciousness in one who is fortunate enough to have the experience. For three days I danced and sang in a sacred manner with this wonderful community of souls to anchor the power of the Venus Transit within our beings and on to the planet, seeding new life. This powerful connection brought together the Divine Love of the Christ Consciousness and the Divine Feminine with the forces of Nature in a sacred dance of life.

Quan Yin is in the House

Somewhat of interest is a persistent cough in the area of my new Thymus chakra since June 5. Yes, I did catch a chill from dancing blissfully barefoot in the grass in the place where the headwaters of the Sacramento River flow out of the sacred mountain. But trips to the acupuncturist proved that my systems were balanced and I am basically healthy. And it turns out I am not the only one who is experiencing on-going activity in this center. So if that includes you, it is time for us to bring Compassion into the Magnetic High Heart and allow ourselves to feel soothed. Quan Yin is said to be very active at this time on Earth, and the Goddess of Compassion is a powerful ally who can bring a soothing, healing energy into this place in your being.

We need all the compassion we can receive in order to stay centered during the Pluto-Uranus square energy that we are now experiencing. Here is a plug for all those amazing beings who have studied so long to understand the stars. Astrologers seem to have the most brilliant and clear information about the times we are living in. It is important to pay attention because they can really help us explain what we are experiencing on a personal as well as a global level. During the next three years of the Pluto-Uranus squares, part of the intensity of the ongoing waves is focused on Pluto’s need to tear down old structures so something new can be created. This is supported by the Uranus ability to assist us in letting go of whatever we have been holding onto that no longer serves us, even it feels as though the rug has been pulled out from under our feet. Once again, resistance is futile. In fact, those having the most difficulty are the ones who are in the most resistance.

In a different way, Archangel Gabriel also addresses these issues:

Veils part, light activates and new waves of growth set into motion. It is like plant growth. During the time of greatest sunlight, the plants do most of their growing.

This period of time after the portals opened during spring created a momentum of light activation that has been building in power. With the new realms opening in August during the Harmonic Convergence, the seeds that were planted and the activation in the Realms of Light now move into forward motion.

25-Year Commemoration of the Harmonic Convergence

This Harvest is very connected to the Harmonic Convergence commemoration on August 16th and 17th. The completion of a 25-year period that began in 1987 that has changed the face of the world as we have known it. Startling collapse of long-held structures (such as the Berlin Wall and the USSR), and a massive shift in consciousness have been the wellspring of these years. We have seen ancient predictions from many native prophecies, not just the Maya, come into being. And there is more to come. The future is up to us and we are at the decision point. Our focus and our seeding of the new era within our own lives will affect the world. People are gathering all over the world to assist in bringing the frequency of Light to establish a Renaissance of Love for all Life on the Earth. More information about events for this momentous time follows.

Open and receive this completion blessing from Archangel Gabriel:

Harvest time for the awakened human heart is upon you, as you reap all that was sown during the past 25 years, whether you were conscious of your work or not. Since that time the bountiful life of true ascending dreams in the form of pure Divine Love has been building to a crescendo. Like a gigantic waterfall the momentous wave of Christ light blesses the planet. It is time for your massive high heart to open and receive. You are closer than you have ever been and love is the answer to the next wave of experience that completes this momentous and historic year. When you receive from a grateful heart attuned to Divine Presence, veils part, doorways open and true creativity can begin. Prepare the way and veils will part. And so it is.

I look forward to being in communication with you all again. Mt. Shasta is a timeless reality, but now it feels like a very long time has passed while we circumnavigated the astonishing frequencies being downloaded. As we all surf the increasing flows of Divine Light, I will do my best not to wait so long to communicate.

Shanta Gabriel
July 4, 2012

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