One Way to Bring More Balance to Life

Inspiration for the Week

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel is encouraging us to learn how to receive more gracefully on all levels.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

One Way to Balance Within is to Allow Yourself to Love and be Loved.

In the midst of strong and powerful currents of energy we are all experiencing, Balance has become one of the more sought-after experiences.

This card is reminding me that allowing myself to receive Love is just as important as giving it. How often do I shy away from a sincere compliment? What about those times when, for varying reasons, my receiving channels are closed to those who want to support me?

Often I find it so much easier to give love to others than allow myself to receive it. But this card makes me question that practice. If I am more focused on giving, doesn’t that block the flow of receiving? And when I start to think of all the other places that I might be shut down to receiving, like to the flow of finances or creativity, it becomes a much bigger deal than turning aside a compliment that was well-meant. None of us can afford to put a block in the flow of supportive energy toward us.

Receiving graciously the support that is being offered is an important way to demonstrate gratitude to the bounty in the Universal flow of Good toward me. When I am willing to receive, my heart is opened to new opportunities to receive more Love and Support on every level.

The biggest discovery for me is finding that just loving myself turns out to be the most empowering and fastest way to bring me back into Balance. Leaving myself swinging in the breeze without my own support and love has been an old habit and one that is no longer workable. My inner guidance surges forward to let me know in myriad ways that I have disconnected from Source energy and there are Beings of Light waiting to help me.

It does not feel good when I am closed down to receiving. I don’t have the energy I need to do what I love and would most uplift me. One of my favorite long-time affirmations is:

I Now Allow Myself to be Loved and Supported on all Levels.

In times of resistance to the flow, it is often difficult to remember, but the power of opening my heart to myself is the key to coming home to Balance within me.This Alignment to Source is the magical momentum that opens the channels. As I keep my intention for vertical access to the Divine through prayer and meditation with conscious connection to my Higher Self, it brings me back into the depth of Alignment that I long for.

It is also important to allow this Light to be active within my physical body. I am here to be a Blended Being bringing Heaven to Earth through the Light of God working in and through me. It is essential for my happiness and necessary for my Soul’s purpose to be aligned to Divine Light through the core of my being. I need to be conscious enough to allow this flow of Source energy to work in my life. When I do, it brings Vitality, Well-Being, Beauty, Creativity, Abundance and of course Balance to every area of my life.

Everything I do has this intention for Alignment at its base. I am recognizing that Love is my guiding force and living from my heart is the key for Balance. When I come from this place, the energy I feel within helps me to know that I am connected to my Soul and doing the work I came on Earth to do at this time.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for opening my heart and mind to receiving all the Love and Support available to me on every level. Let me be a clear receiver of that which I need and be very grateful for these gifts offered so generously to me. I am being cared for eternally and all my needs are being met with Grace and Ease. My heart is overflowing in Gratitude for these and all my gifts.

As I generously receive I am also able to give from my overflowing cup of Divine Energy. It feels like such a blessing to have all the Love I need so I can give back to people and situations that need my open and loving heart. May I be as generous with others as God is with me. May all of Humanity be blessed and receive the Loving Support available to them.

Most importantly as I become a more powerful receiver of Divine Grace, I am anchoring the Divine Feminine Energy through me on to the Earth. Thank you God for these and all the blessings in my life. And so it is.

The Gabriel Messages #53

One way to Balance Within is to Allow Yourself to Love and be Loved.

Dear One,

When you allow yourself to love another person. it opens channels within your being to receive Divine Love from God, the Infinite Source. There is an inexhaustible supply of this love. When you begin to freely give this Love, you are blessed with more, so you can continue to give. In this way you will never be starving forLlove because you feel you have given too much. You cannot give too much love, because the inexhaustible resource of God’s Love is equal to every demand.

There are many ways to give Love. At times the most loving thing you can do is to leave people alone to follow their own path in life. Even then, you are not shutting them out of your heart, although you may never see them again. Giving Love freely means loving yourself enough to only be in those situations which serve your highest good at all times, and which allow you to be treated in a respectful manner.

Receiving Love is sometimes more difficult than giving it, but your willingness to receive is also necessary for perfect balance to exist in your life. When you receive Love from others, you are allowing them to give. This completes the circuit of God’s love. Allowing yourself to be loved opens the door to receiving Infinite Abundance from the Universe, and creates channels for you to receive in wondrous ways from other people. This means receiving support for your life, which is important because you were never meant to struggle alone. You are a child of the Divine Source, and so are given infinite ways to receive love. Allow yourself to receive and be grateful for all the demonstrations of Love, large and small, which are given to you every day.

When you open your heart to another person, it creates an energy of Love within you which in turn brings Balance to all the systems of the physical body. When your body is in balance, it creates healing currents within itself. This is one reason that Love is such a powerful healing force. To have health in your body, you cannot allow yourself to shut down your heart to love.

When the quality of balance is active in your life, all things will seem to fall into perfect order. There will be Balance in your finances, in your health, in your household, and in your spiritual life. When you give and receive in a balanced way, you are open to the flow of Divine energy which gives Depth, Beauty and Meaning to your life. You will feel abundantly blessed in every way.


It is important to have the energy of Allowing actively influencing your life. When you allow things to happen for you, there is no feeling of pushing the river of life. You take one step and the way is open for the next, and so it goes without effort. When you push to make things happen, stress is created in your body and mind. This leads to an imbalance which may cause disease. So practice acting in Balance and Harmony with all life. Allow others to love and support you. It will then become easier to have a more joy-filled, meaningful existence as this sense of Allowing will help create the openness necessary for miracles to occur.

Step into the flow of a miraculous lifestyle. Give yourself the opportunity to be loved and supported by God and by those who love you. Let yourself give love freely, and know that it will be returned in miraculous ways. Allow yourself to receive and give love so you will create Balance in body, mind and emotions. Know that circumstances work for your highest good when you are in Balance with all of life.

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today:

One way to Balance within is to allow yourself to Love and be Loved.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel {insert Inspiration date here]

Your Next Steps for 2017?

As we initiate our New Year, it is helpful to know what your next steps are, and what is your most important focus for the year.

I am making you a very special offer that is only good until January 27…

A 30 minute Mini-Soul Alignment Reading for $75.

This mini-reading will enable you to have a taste of the work we can do together. In addition I will give you some very practical insights about your Major Focus for the year, what may be blocking the flow of energy in that direction, and how to manifest this empowered inspiration from your Soul.

Simply use this coupon code below and I will contact you by email with a time and date for our session!

Remember to sign up before January 27 to take advantage of this special offer to receive an inspired 30 minute reading with me and the Archangels!

Below is your special code for $75 off the Soul Alignment Reading.
CLICK HERE and use code: sarjan17

May this New Year bring you expansive Levels of Balance, Love and Support in every area of your life.

Blessings and Gratitude, Shanta
Get Your Mini-Soul Alignment Reading!

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