New Dates for Seven Keys to Awakening Teleconference Series
New Dates! Now Starting October 15
October 15, 22, 29
November 5, 12, 19
December 3
Now is the time to prepare the way
for all beings to live in Divine Union
Forget what you have learned about the chakras in the past. We are in 5D now, and your chakra system is responding very differently. From a yogic perspective, the core intention is still the same — Union with God — but how we get into that state has changed dramatically!
The Archangels want to take you on a journey into the delicious state of Unity Consciousness through direct transmission of the essence contained in each of your sacred centers. Each week your being will be permeated with the Love and Unity your Soul has longed for. Through us these fields of Divine Light will then be anchored on the Earth for the welfare of all beings.
This new weekly teleclass series is an experiential program that gives you access to the alignment that is possible in 5th Dimensional living. In 5D, the ideas of Oneness, Divine Union and the connection to All of Life become the prevalent intention for our experience. Life becomes more purposeful, more respectful and more fulfilling when we are based in this state of Divine Love.
As we dedicate our lives to Unity and focus our awareness on alignment with Source energy, all things change. When our consciousness becomes permeated with Love, life takes on a magical quality in 5D that we have never experienced. Peace becomes a true reality for all beings.
After 40 years’ immersion in teachings of Divine Light which awaken the Kundalini life force, I want to share this alignment with all I have received. As an elder, it is my mission to pass on the wisdom of these experiences. Condensing these teachings to essence, with the transmission of the energy in each chakra from the Archangels, allows you to have a weekly experience of new levels of Union within your being. There will also be study materials to help you integrate this work into your daily life.
I feel passionate about this time in which we live and know it is important that we create alignment in our chakra systems before the end of the year. I want us to begin 2016 anchored in 5D awareness and aligned with our highest purpose as a blended divine human.
Let’s bridge Heaven and Earth together and create our rainbow body of Light through these weekly classes that will prepare the way for all beings to live in Divine Union.
We are the ones that need to anchor this energy on the planet, and NOW is the time.
Thank you for all that you do to bring more Peace to the world. I would love to have you join me and the Archangels to explore the sacred essence of these Seven Keys to Awakening.