Message from Archangel Gabriel – The 11:11 Codes Continue 1/3, 2017

Your Message from Archangel Gabriel for January 3, 2017

Dear Ones,

Continuing our discussion of the 11:11 Light Codes, we are focused today on the Light of the Divine Feminine. This intricate yet expansive energy is being downloaded with the Light Codes of the 11:11 frequencies. There is nothing you need to do specifically to encourage the flow of the Sacred Feminine, your process at this time is anchoring this pure Light substance of Creativity, Receptivity and Balance.

As you receive to the deepest recesses of your being during your spiritual practice, you are becoming a pure Conduit of the Divine Feminine. New levels of Freedom and Expansion are the results of this powerful practice. Know also that your emotions will be engaged in a new way that many will find disconcerting. Your spiritual practice for life at this time involves activating more Neutrality and disconnection from mental distractions.

Because the Light frequencies you are experiencing activate the intellect, it is not surprising when you find yourself going on a mental tangent that is expansive and creative. The issue then becomes more focus on keeping your awareness aligned with your chakra system. This will allow you to experience the new expansiveness in your physical body without it triggering old patterns of fear and aggressive reactions. Those specific frequencies are very prevalent on the earth right now, and most people have experienced their own version of this energy throughout life.

It’s important that your engagement with the intensity of the energy not take you out of Alignment with your highest Soul Reality. To do this, there is a requirement for more Neutrality and Balance in every moment. That is to why masters for centuries sought to encourage the attention of their students to deep breaths and a mental focus on mantra and positive affirmation. The sacredness of this practice leads you back into Alignment with the pure Source energy.

Your physical body is learning to integrate the frequencies of the Divine Feminine, and your nervous system needs to be soothed in the process. As you open to these exalted frequencies, know that Discernment and Neutrality are necessary if your emotions are triggered.

Allow your Light Field to expand and receive with no resistance so the old patterns can be transmuted into Light while you allow the flow of Divinity to ground through your physical body. The Earth thrives in these energies and Nature is helping to make them more usable in worldly life so the frequencies of Divine Feminine energy are able to create more Wellbeing in the World and in every area of your life.

Receptivity is key now and the most important action that needs to taken is to receive the power of Divine Love into your hearts and let yourself be permeated by this Presence. The Divine Light you are receiving is filled with Gods Love as well as a new form of Divine Feminine Intelligence that is meant to fully manifest within your heart so you can trust your intuition in more graceful ways.

You are anchoring the Light of Well Being though your spiritual practice and All of Life is Blessed. Know that Heaven is celebrating and so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
January 3, 2017

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