Lunar Eclipse Teleconference April 4 – Recording Available

Lunar Eclipse Teleconference April 4 2015

Did you miss our gathering? A recording of this beautiful event is available for download below.

You are invited to join Shanta for a Total Lunar Eclipse Teleconference to activate your new dreams with the power of the full moon. Our special gathering takes place April 4, at 11 am PDT.

From the Equinox/Eclipse on March 20, we have a window of Soul Light infusion. The lunar eclipse on April 4 is said to restore Faith and Hope for the new lives we seeded at the Equinox.

While this window is open, it is a powerful time to redefine who you are and what you desire that is more in alignment with your Soul’s purpose. Up to this point, we have been letting go of outdated dreams and clearing the way for new opportunities. At the Equinox, we planted seeds for an abundant future, and at this lunar eclipse we will anchor those dreams and charge our intentions with the light of the full moon.

In the meantime, know that eclipses act as “course correctors” that enable us to align with our true Soul’s Journey. Despite the emotional intensity of the Eclipse, which impacts our electromagnetic energy and nervous system, it is wise to remain calm and focused on our intentions.

This teleconference will be conducted and “broadcast” from Mt. Shasta, known as Base Chakra of the Earth. Because this sacred place assists with the grounding of the higher energies, we will call on its Presence to help us stay grounded during this powerful time. And, as always, the Archangels are directing the call.

Get ready for your new dreams to manifest!

Full Lunar Eclipse Teleconference 2015 - Recording
Full Lunar Eclipse Teleconference 2015 - Recording
This teleconference took place April 4, 2015 to celebrate the Full Lunar Eclipse. A beautiful group of souls gathered for this special celebration, all Light Bearers for a Heart-centered Consciousness on the planet assisting the ascension of humanity. With the teleconference originating from Mt. Shasta, our heartfelt prayers were anchored by this powerful sacred mountain.
Price: $21.00