Lightworkers! You! Yes, You are the Voice of the Soul Imperative for the Earth!
An Affirmative Message from Archangel Gabriel
Dear Ones,
We speak today of Focused Intent. It is a time of gathering in groups for ceremony as the Earth moves toward the Equinox. This season, in which there are equal amounts of light and dark, is when the Earth experiences a profound state of Balance. When there is planetary balance, it makes it easier for all to experience that state of consciousness.
This message is to reaffirm for you that the Heart-centered presence you so naturally connect to and radiate through your being is making a profound difference in the world. Most importantly, you are gaining momentum as many more are awakening. Your deep commitment to the Earth and your very presence is changing the consciousness of the world.
Your individual spiritual practice and your collective prayers have brought many blessings to the world. Know that over the past 25 years or so, the focused intent of the Lightworkers of the world has uplifted many of the most dire predictions for the Earth. As horrendous as the world events may seem to you now, the Earth was heading into greater peril than what is evident at this time.
The collective intent of all those who are participating in developing greater respect for the environment, equality within people, and free creative expression in the world has made a difference. All that you are doing, especially in community, will continue to empower those who are awakening. You are important to the shifting of consciousness toward a greater state of Well-being on the Earth. Together, your loving kindness, your joy in Divine Light, and your open minds and hearts are demonstrating a way of living that many have been too timid to attempt.
Collectively, you empower a spark of abundant freedom so many souls can awaken new vision, ideas and perspectives. This activation is radiating into the quantum field, catalyzing the force of Divine Intent as it is streaming Light through the cosmos.
The shifting realities within the quantum fields are responding to your focused intent as more Lightworkers come together in groups. Especially in this time of Equinox, know how powerful it is when you work as a community to bring the Light of Balance to the world. Equanimity is the great need of the hour. Gathering together in group focus and prayer will be of tremendous benefit collectively. Many people will be able to awaken to the Divine Light that expands exponentially from the power of your collective Intent for Balance in the world.
As your active personal spiritual practice is increasingly dedicated to more Balance and Hope for all hearts, you may find yourself feeling more free ,as well as supported to bring forth your Divine Expression and to fully demonstrate who you are to others. As you gain strength in the collective vision deepening in your heart, it is easier to let go of the old patterns. You are becoming more clear about what has priority in your life and what fully empowers the divine focus of your Soul to express who you truly are now.
The benefit of group support and awareness is not only personally empowering, it expands exponentially. In your prayer communities, you are expressing the collective voice of the Soul Imperative of the Earth. All that you aspire to is now being empowered. The focus of your intent for yourself as well as your community is a catalyst of awakening that provides a beacon light leading others into a new way of life.
What you have done and are doing has had a tremendous impact on the consciousness of all humanity and on the Earth’s evolution. Do not doubt this. You are World Servers who need only to stay in your normal heart-centered consciousness to change the world. As you do this, you become a magnet to attract your soul’s community. When you work together, all things are possible.
Truly we say, Gently and with Love, Honor Yourselves. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
August 31, 2018
Are you ready to take the next step to create your
highest visions for the world?
Explore the Hidden Mysteries of Hope
The Equinox Anusthan
September 8-14
Use the power of Group Spiritual Practice to make a difference!
Experience greater purpose and meaning in your life!
Explore the 5th Dimensional Mysteries revealed in the quantum fields of Hope!
This your invitation.
Join with others who are dedicating themselves to creating quantum fields of Balance and Hope within themselves and in the world.
Downloads of Divine Light have been increasing on the planet since 1987, causing an evolution of consciousness that has never been seen before.
We have just completed a cycle of three eclipses that made us reconsider how we are living in a world that appears very different from what we were hoping for.
It is now time to ground a new system for living as we translate and integrate the information encoded in the quantum fields of Divine Light.
There is no better way to do that than through a dedicated spiritual practice.
Experience for yourself the amazing possibilities
when we work together for a greater purpose than we can do alone.
When we grow through change together, all things become easier!