Leaps of Faith
Dear Ones,
In every moment, you are being guided on a path to Oneness with All That Is.
There are times when the lessons on the path may feel more difficult than others. You may question if you have taken a detour off the path of your Soul Purpose. You could even wonder if you are doing something wrong.
There is a sure-fire way to discover the answer to these time-honored questions. The answer lies in Gratitude.
It can be necessary to give thanks for the challenges, difficulties and obstacles on your path. We know this is a very difficult thing to do. You may worry that giving thanks will make you receive more of what you are currently struggling with. Feeling angry for what you are experiencing gets stronger, and resistance to What Is may suddenly take over your consciousness. This idea of being thankful for circumstances that seem unfair and monumental does not sit easily for most people.
It is just at these times that trusting that you are being guided and cared for in every moment is necessary. You are on an accelerated trajectory and all that you need to be in harmony with your greatest Soul Reality is being provided moment to moment.
When you can release the attachment to outcomes, as frightening as that may seem, you are demonstrating the required neutrality for living a more Divine Life at this time. Your Soul is asking you to rely therefore on Radical Trust, even if it means leaping empty handed into the Void.
Every step you take, bless it. Ask to be in Alignment with your Soul’s Highest Purpose on Earth. That sets the stage for Divine Orchestration of all that is required for you to be in perfect Harmony with that prayer. It will be chosen by your Soul with all the lessons, experiences and challenges provided in perfect timing, all in Divine Order. Trusting this process may be one of your greatest challenges.
It is time to step into the Equanimity that allows you to offer all outcomes to the Wisdom of your Soul. Ask to expand your Faith and Trust in the process. Remember you are not alone, ever!
As you open your heart and mind to Gratitude, trust that you are being supported by a Love that never ends. All is well. And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for
Archangel Gabriel
August 21, 2020