Essences of Divine Light

Created to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency

Essences of Divine Light

Do you yearn to experience more Peace of Mind?
Or to live life with more Trust and Faith?

How about easier access to the higher energy frequencies—such as Love and Joy?

Read the story of our Essences ~ How the Essences work ~ About the creators

Abundance - Essences of Divine Light
Abundance - Essences of Divine Light
This essence opens the doorways of the mind to the blessings that are your birthright as a spiritual being in a physical body. True Prosperity flows through a heart filled with gratitude, open to the unlimited ocean of God’s Abundance.
Price: $25.00
Crystal Chalice - Essences of Divine Light
Crystal Chalice - Essences of Divine Light
This essence imbues the Crystal Chalice within your Sacred Heart with the elixir of God’s Love. The thymus area of your being holds the new turquoise High Heart Chakra. A deeply resonant connection to the Christed Consciousness exists in this area. When you fill the Crystal Chalice within this sacred heart chakra with the golden light of the Christ, you radiate this frequency of Love within your being and into the world around you.
Price: $25.00
Crystalle - Essences of Divine Light
Crystalle - Essences of Divine Light
This is an essence of awakening — the awakening and blossoming of transformation in the DNA structure of our body as we shift from a carbon-based to a crystalline form. Crystalle gently opens the crown chakra and supports a strong, stable spinal alignment from the base to the crown enabling us to integrate and co-create with the high vibrational frequencies now present on the planet. This essence echoes and aligns our beings with the crystalline perfection of sacred geometry woven in and through our bodies as well as the natural world around us.
Price: $25.00
Divine Feminine - Essences of Divine Light
Divine Feminine - Essences of Divine Light
As you use the essence, your creativity is inspired and enhanced for birthing new ideas and form into the world. Receiving this essence you are nourished to a cellular level, succored and held in the arms of the Mother of all Life.
Price: $25.00
Divine Magnetism - Essences of Divine Light
Divine Magnetism - Essences of Divine Light
This essence removes obstacles to the manifestation of that which is in alignment with your Soul’s Purpose and most Divine Self. The magnetism this essence awakens, draws to you people and situations in Grace-filled ways. It also aligns you with your highest intentions for life.
Price: $25.00
Divine Masculine - Essences of Divine Light
Divine Masculine - Essences of Divine Light
Serving the union of male and female, the Divine Masculine provides Heart-Centered support. Like the sun that rises each morning, the Divine Masculine is trustworthy and reliable and holds the form created by the Divine Feminine with centered strength. This Essence will bring a sense of clear, anchored strength and power to your action in the world.
Price: $25.00
Divine Order - Essences of Divine Light
Divine Order - Essences of Divine Light
This essence restores the Divine Blueprint of Perfection existing within every person and every situation. It holds the core pattern of Unity Consciousness, which allows you to embody the Divine Order present on the planet at this time.
Price: $25.00
Empowered Future - Essences of Divine Light
Empowered Future - Essences of Divine Light
Empowered by Divine Love, this essence creates a Rainbow Bridge connecting you and your intentions to your most joy-filled, abundant future. Being clear about those qualities of Light and Consciousness you most want to experience in your future will assist you in aligning with the person you will manifest as your true self at that time. What is your optimal future? Does it include living in Harmony, Beauty, Peace, Health and Well-Being? A life of Grace-filled financial support, surrounded by people you love, who cherish you as well? Bless it and create it with the support of this essence.
Price: $25.00
Freedom - Essences of Divine Light
Freedom - Essences of Divine Light
This Essence facilitates changes in the DNA structure of our physical form to hold the new, high frequencies of the 5th Dimension, giving us a Lightness of Being that we experience as grace-filled expansiveness and ease in our everyday lives. We shift out of the 3-D vibration that holds onto old patterns into the new light-filled frequency where we have the Freedom to manifest our highest loving aspirations, hopes and dreams.
Price: $25.00
Heaven on Earth - Essences of Divine Light
Heaven on Earth - Essences of Divine Light
This essence assists you to gracefully ride the waves of higher energy frequencies and facilitates new patterns for your energy system during this crucial time, allowing you to stay more centered in your spirit and connect with your intuition as you access new qualities of consciousness and multidimensional frequencies.
Price: $25.00
Inner Peace - Essences of Divine Light
Inner Peace - Essences of Divine Light
This is a soothing elixir to restore your center of Peace within. It assists you in maintaining your balance while integrating the higher frequencies that are present on our planet at this time.
Price: $25.00
Music of the Soul - Essences of Divine Light
Music of the Soul - Essences of Divine Light
Like an angelic choir, this essence creates attunement to the Music of the Spheres, the most sacred sound of the Universe. It is an essence of etheric Inspiration and Harmony that blesses the song of your heart. When taken during any musical situation, a beautiful vibrational alignment occurs and joyous music that resonates deeply within is the result.
Price: $25.00
Pleiades Star - Essences of Divine Light
Pleiades Star - Essences of Divine Light
This essence holds the Spiritual Qualities inherent in the Seven Sisters, each star of the Pleiades Star Cluster. Each quality of consciousness holds a powerful vibrational frequency that you will be able to access more gracefully through the use of this essence. Each star offers individuals gifts to assist us. The seven qualities are: 1. Graceful Evolution 2. Safety 3. Clarity 4. Hope 5. Harmony 6. Well Being 7. Connection
Price: $25.00
Sacred Balance - Essences of Divine Light
Sacred Balance - Essences of Divine Light
To be used when a sense of contraction is present, this essence opens your being to the Boundless Love and the Expansiveness within the Vastness of Space. Your body is then filled with the spaciousness of your unlimited potential and you are restored to Sacred Balance.
Price: $25.00
Silence - Essences of Divine Light
Silence - Essences of Divine Light
In order to thrive in the world, your inner being requires a time of Silence every day. In the sacred space between your in breath and your out breath, the Divine Presence dwells. When you use this essence and give yourself time to receive, a deep communion within your being is nourished, and a sacred space opens up within you. It creates a portal to access the information available in the new vibration of Divine Light.
Price: $25.00
Temple of Light - Essences of Divine Light
Temple of Light - Essences of Divine Light
This essence transports you to a sacred space filled with Harmony and Light. God’s Love is the nectar that uplifts your meditations and illuminates your heart. This essence gifts you with the highest connection to your most Divine Self and is a vastly powerful meditation tool.
Price: $25.00
The Wisdom of the Trees - Essences of Divine Light
The Wisdom of the Trees - Essences of Divine Light
This is a very grounding essence that allows your spinal column to become attuned to the alignment demonstrated by all the trees. This essence encourages the life force in your spinal column to mirror the alignment, strength and flexibility demonstrated by trees. It brings more Life Force into the physical body and allows you to open your mind and heart to the ancient wisdom of the trees.
Price: $25.00
The Wisdom of the Trees Elixir
The Wisdom of the Trees Elixir
The Wisdom of the Trees Elixir is a combination of 7 powerful Bach Flower Remedies that offer courage, strength and support during this often chaotic, changing time. It also includes the Wisdom of the Trees Essence of Divine Light, which is an Archangelically-blessed energetic essence made by me and my friend Fanny Whitman in 2012.
Price: $35.00
Turning Point - Essences of Divine Light
Turning Point - Essences of Divine Light
Especially helpful during transitional times in life, this essence guides your choices to align you with your Soul’s purpose. It allows you to experience a sense of freedom and protection as you walk your path with greater courage and faith.
Price: $25.00
Vitality of Life - Essences of Divine Light
Vitality of Life - Essences of Divine Light
Especially nourishing during those times when the presence of the color green in Nature is not apparent, and your being longs for the comfort of Light-filled blessings from the angels of the natural world. This essence provides a deep subliminal response to the color of green in Nature as well as feeding your entire being with the vitality of life.
Price: $25.00
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Wonderful Feedback...

Your essences are wonderful! I can tell they are of the highest consciousness and frequency.

Even though I am just taking the Essence for a few days, I already feel a difference. I feel more calm, more loving and I find it easier to 'accept and let go' of negative thoughts or negative attitudes from the people around me. I do feel I am on a mission and it is so much fun.

I have been taking the Empowered Future Essence and love it! It is awesome. I feel much more comfortable and at ease with myself. I feel stronger and more centered in many ways, especially when the opportunity arises for me to speak my truth and be authentic.