Donations and Spiritual Teachings ~ Your Questions Answered
I believe it is wrong to charge for Spiritual Teachings. What do you do with the donations you receive?
Answer from Shanta:
I agree that spiritual teachings need to be free. You might be surprised to hear that.
In all my classes and offerings, I make sure that I provide scholarships for those who cannot comfortably pay. I also discovered that even though the teachings were free, the costs of the technology and support to share them was surprisingly high. After some false starts I realized I need to cover costs so I can continue this work. Donations help cover those costs
I appreciate your question about donations as it brings up some interesting questions and explorations of belief for me.
Back in the late 1970’s, my spiritual teacher from India did not charge for his teachings, and he changed my life! What I discovered about spending time in his presence was that from deep in my heart, I wanted to support him and serve in whatever way I could. So I washed dishes, gave massages, and also offered a percentage of the small amounts of money I could to make sure he would be able to reach more people and was comfortable. It all came from my heart. And I believe there is merit in the balance of giving and receiving.
Years later when someone asked me why I was charging for a spiritual class, I asked Archangel Gabriel. This was always my GO-TO method of inquiry for guidance. He said people are not paying for the spiritual teachings, they are free to everyone. But they are paying for the years of training, learning experiences, and studies that I paid for so I could teach it now.
Another memory came to me about my yoga teacher in Hawaii. He was my favorite of all the years of yoga training, but because he did not charge for his classes, he had to work at night in a restaurant and find a babysitter for his two little kids. That did not seem appropriate to me. I felt as though he should be supported to share his gifts with all of us lucky enough to be there.
Part of the donations I receive also make it possible to pay my rent and utilities. At 73 I am basically unemployable (smile) but want to share the skills and talents I have honed for 40 years.
There are many people in the spiritual community who do not have abundant incomes. When I offered them free access, I noticed they did not appreciate the lessons as much as when they made a donation of whatever size. This is reciprocal and responsible action. Whatever is given with gratitude and an open heart is blessed and returned to you multiplied.
That has been a powerful message from the Gabriel Messages Book and Cards, the power of blessing and multiplication in the money that is given. Another intention for the donations is to reprint the Gabriel Message Cards and buy The Gabriel Messages books from the distributor so I can sign and sell them at events.
There is timeless wisdom in these products, and I would love to be able to share them with others in print form. (Although The Gabriel Messages Book and Cards are still available on line.)
There you have the answers to what I do with the donations I receive and why it seems that spiritual teachings cost money. What a fortuitous question that triggered more clarity. Thank you.
Shanta Gabriel
March 6, 2019
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