The Power of Blessing and Gratitude


As you begin a New Year it is important to remember the power of Blessing and Gratitude to bring empowerment into all situations in your life and in the world. When you send blessings, it activates a flow of Light that confers higher frequencies of transformational energy to transmute old patterns and create new more abundant life on the Earth.

As fields of Divine Light work through the old earth structures, they are being met by a powerful resistance representing the old paradigm at work in the dimensional shifts of this powerful time. You can empower this transformation by offering Blessings.  Not only does the Divine Love and Intelligence working in the Light transmute the old stuck patterns, this is a powerful tool that turns your attention away from what appears in your world allowing you to take positive action for change.

Just before the higher frequencies for elevated consciousness break through the new multidimensional levels birthing on earth, there often is a groundswell of old patterns that surface becoming more apparent. Your job at this time is to maintain your focus on what you are choosing to experience rather than on the appearance of discord.

You will notice there are many choices to be made moment to moment as the power of Light shifts mass consciousness. It is your opportunity to turn your attention to the attitude of Gratitude and the power that offering Blessings can have in an awakened life.

Remember to be grateful for how beautiful is this sweet Earth. Bless all beings knowing that it is time for the planet to be respected and cared for. Many are recognizing a new powerful dedication to anchoring the Sacred Feminine on the Earth, so it is good to bless the Balance and new Creativity this energy will bring.

Be grateful for that part of you that wants so much to follow your Soul’s purpose. Bless the power of this directing energy and allow it to work in new ways within you. Be grateful for all you have received in this life and bless the new ways you are bringing your Soul gifts into the world.

Be grateful for the impulses that create the deep longings in your heart to live in a more awakened state, and bless those desires so that all humanity can be awakened. Be grateful for the purity of your heart and bless your heart that it can be a Beacon of Pure Love radiating into the world.

Be grateful that you have pure water to drink and healthy food to choose from and bless these gifts that all beings on Earth may also have enough food and water to sustain and empower their lives.

Be grateful that there are Creative Solutions for all that appears to be challenging in your world and bless the Benevolent Outcomes that are unfolding for all now.

Feel gratitude for the profound ways you are loved and supported by the Angelic Dimensions and especially your Guardian Angel. Bless all your support systems, both physical and nonphysical, so that you never need feel that you are alone and without guidance.

Be grateful for the path you have chosen and bless the Divine Light that guides your way. Be grateful that there is a divine flow of Infinite Abundance working within you and bless this energy that you might anchor the Light of God’s Infinite Abundance on the Earth through your being.

Be grateful for the new structures of Divine Light that you are building within you and anchoring on the Earth. Bless these structures that they may be flexible and stabilized so new life can thrive on the Earth within all beings.

Be grateful that the Peace of God is working within your heart and bless the Eternal Peace that is awakening within the heart of all humanity, and grounding on the Earth in this most auspicious time.

When you bless yourself or any area of life, you are conferring Divine energy into that situation. You are strengthening the power of Light working through the challenges as well as your physical being. In the process you are anchoring Divine Light on the Earth for the good of all humanity as you become a clear channel of Divine Love that blesses the world and your life. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
January 17, 2019

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