A Message from Archangel Gabriel for Day 2 of the Equinox Anusthan
Dear Ones,
At times, the only difference between the exalted states of excitement and the symptoms of fear is your breath. Bring your attention back to your breath now, and then do it again and again.
Let a Balanced Breath activate your inner Gyroscope, and be the balancing presence that guides you into a quieter inner state of being – one where you can sense Divine Grace at work within you.
As long as there is such an abundant level of fear and disquiet in the collective energy, your need to keep coming back into a balanced state will not end. There is no time of Arrival when you will be able to stop your process of Equanimity. It is an ongoing moment to moment focus on that which most uplifts you and empowers you into a place of connection to Source.
As a part of your spiritual practice during this time of Equinox, a new state of Balance is being anchored within you, an inner Gyroscope that can help bring you back into more peaceful state. It is enhancing your ability to know when you need to stop and breathe, to say your mantra or affirmation to yourself a few extra times and stabilize the sense of safety within you so you can live on the Earth in a state of Balance.
The establishment of your inner Gyroscope helps you to feel more grounded, stable and at peace in yourself. Expanding your energy field through your breath becomes a powerful tool when you are feeling burdened, dis-empowered or frightened. The depth of connection to your inner center of Balance will be the result of this Anusthan practice at the very minimum.
Just recognizing when you need to adjust back to Alignment will be one of the most empowering aspects of your spiritual practice. You will also be gifted with opportunities to expand into the more exalted states available as your spiritual focus raises your vibrational frequencies to new heights of awareness.
When you can let go into these states, you overcome the inertia that life can offer and you step into the grand flow of the River of all Creation. From here you witness life changing all around you and recognize that Grace permeates every level of your life.
Allowing is your word for the day. As you come back into Alignment by allowing the world to be as it is, your gyroscope brings you back to vertical Alignment from Heaven to Earth within you ~ and a sense of renewed connection to your heart prevails.
Your new life is expanding through all you are receiving as a part of your dedication to your spirit in this moment ~ here, now and always. And so it is.
Archangel Gabriel
from Shanta Gabriel
March 16, 2017