11:11 Gateway to Unity Meditation from Shanta Gabriel
Seed a new dimensional reality into your being through this guided meditation from Shanta Gabriel.
Listen to this meditation every time your digital clock shows you 11:11 — you are being offered a dimensional gateway. Or listen whenever you want to experience a higher frequency. The Archangels stand ready to open the way to access the exalted states that exist beyond the Gates. It is a time when you can hold your greatest intentions for your life in your mind, ask for the help of the Archangels and walk through the open gates to manifest your dreams.
In this prayerful meditation, Archangel Gabriel has offered the image of a Double Helix of DNA strands as an allegory for the Glyph of Awakened Consciousness. As above so below; this glyph represents Embodied Divinity upon an Earth that has become sacred. The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self. You can use this image of the double helix to remind you of your connection from Heaven to Earth. This sacred glyph seeds its image within you in a way that allows greater access within your being to Unity Consciousness.
Honoring the 11:11 Gateway to the 5th Dimensional shifting of the Ages allows a harmonious flow of Divine Love into your being. You can claim this empowerment of Divine Love to use within your own life in order to create lasting and positive change. Divine Love is the key to healing on multiple levels. Not only offering you a sense of freedom and security, the power of this love can calm your flight or fight center and cause it to resume the dimensions of your original blueprint.
The Archangels stand holding the forces of Light as pillars of the gateway. They offer you an empowerment of Divine Love to use within your own life, and to ground upon the earth for healing. The Archangels are ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness. Holding your greatest dreams as intentions when you listen to this meditation, activates your connection to greater Life, Peace and Fulfillment of your Soul’s Purpose.
Personal Support and Guidance Available
If you would like additional guidance for walking through your personal gateways, consider a Soul Alignment Reading or Transition Session with Shanta.